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By Yusra Al-Ayoubi


Act Two

Scene One

Scene Two

Scene Three

Scene Four

Scene Five

Scene Six

Scene Seven

Act Two - Scene Two

(A back-drop of the stage to hear the roaring water of Jita caver, a wall with a wide window to see the rocks of Jita carved by the water as if they are statues of Pagan temple. Near the window is a piano .The pianist is playing a classical piece. Masked musical group enters the stage. They begin to accompany the pianist. They play a calm classical music while the roaring of the water is heard. Masked guests entered the sale of dance. Music became clamorous and weirdly to vanish the roaring water. The ball begins. Masked guests appear with different colors and shades. Between dances waiters serve with juices. A long table on the left was filled of all sorts of cold food, petit four, sweets jelly and fruits.)



Fancy dresses

False faces

Hide your face

None will know you

Take your fill

Don't stand still

Emperor and vagabond

Eagle and pigeon

Wolf and lamb

Shatraba and Dimna

Casquette and koufia

Avnery and Sharon


Roaring music

Merry dance

Find your peace

In savage race

True is false

False is true

Where you go

Where you turn

You'll never know

A friend from a foe


Sheikh and priest

Face of beast

What have you to do

In a pagan feast?

Burning eyes

Seek a bride

Craving touches

Turn your head

Make you mad

Hide your face

None will know you

Take your fill

Don't stand still

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